Across the Wide River, written by Stephanie Reed, is an inspiring tale (based on real individuals and real events) about a young boy and his family’s experiences as pro-abolitionists. This story is earmarked for teens, but honestly it could be read by younger children and adults can certainly appreciate it as well.
In Across the Wide River, main character Lowry Rankin, an ordinary boy yet extraordinary in character, finds himself in situations where he witnesses the plights of slaves. Having watched his own black friend nearly beaten to death, Lowry finds himself in agreement with his family that slavery is wrong.
Lowry, as an adolescent, struggles with his own problems with self-esteem because of being bullied by those who disagreed with him and his family’s beliefs in abolishing slavery. Lowry battles between acting on what was right or whether to turn a blind eye to slavery.
This book was thought-provoking and moving. I highly recommend this book to all teens and adults who appreciate historical fiction. If you’re interested in more information about the real Rankin House and story, click {here}.
I received Across the Wide River as a complimentary gift in exchange for review from Kregel Blog Tours. My comments and opinions are my own.
Okay, Jami! Trying to comment again.
Thank you so much for your very kind review. I hope you do get a chance to visit Rankin House, because it’s a special place.
If you or your readers want to read the first two chapters of Across the Wide River or The Light Across the River, they can find them here:
I’ve met some really nice people on this blog tour! Thanks for sharing your readers with me.