Introduction I like a good who-dun-it novel. The Duke's Dilemma is one of those. Aaaand it also contains one of my other favorite genres--history! The setting is London in the year 1815. I enjoy a good Regency novel, and this one was no disappointment. I'd never read one of Elaine Manders' books before, and I hope this is not my last! Lady Cassandra Wayte married into her title. Born a farm girl, Cassandra found herself in a horrible situation, and Lord Wayte took in her and her godmother. ...
A Love So True – a Bethany House Review
Introduction A Love So True by Melissa Jagears is a novel that took me down a road that I'm not used to traveling on in Christian fiction. This piece of historical fiction hit on the topic of prostitution. Evelyn Wisely, the main character, works at the local orphanage, and in her work she mingles with the children of such women. Aiding the women and providing a safe haven for them is Evelyn's dream. Opening a shelter to help the ladies leave their lives of prostitution is her desire. David ...
What Hope Remembers – a Revell Review
What Hope Remembers, the third novel in the Misty Willow series, was fantastic! I hadn't read the first two novels in the series, so the setting was new to me. It's a stand-alone book, so I didn't have anything to really get caught up on, thankfully. Amy is a former lobbyist who gets back to her roots in the country. Joining her brother and cousin, she has to find her way back to the simple life, a little begrudgingly. A recovering anorexic, Amy struggles with her past and struggles to move ...