Indivisible, written by Kristen Heitzmann, was a good read. This is one of those books that I tend to not read much of, simply because mystery/suspense isn't something I enjoy on the whole. However, this was a book that was well-written, character-wise, and so it made it easier for me to enjoy it.I want to get my pickiness aside before I tell you what I liked about the book. There was some mild profanity in this book (not a lot, but one word is too much for me) that I just didn't feel was ...
Possession – a Tyndale Review
Possession, written by Rene Gutteridge, was a pleasant thriller. If you're looking for clean suspense, this is your book. I've not been a big fan of mysteries, but books like this make me change my mind. Vance Graegan, main character in the story, was a cop involved in the D.C. sniper case. Having dealt with the stress of his job long enough, Vance decided to move his family to California in an attempt to start his life anew. However, upon leaving, the movers decided to hold his family's ...
An Unlikely Blessing – a LitFuse Review
An Unlikely Blessing, written by Judy Baer, is a story of a single, 40-ish pastor who moves from the city to the country in North Dakota to pastor two churches. Alex Armstrong quickly learns that his single status earns the attention of all of the single ladies in the community--from the young to the old! He quickly packs on a few pounds as he struggles to do something with all of the food they send his way!Soon enough Alex finds that his position as pastor comes with its share of grief when he ...