Last month, we received A Box of Awesome Things Matching Game by Wee Society. My three-year-old has had a wonderful time with this game. He loves matching games, so I knew this game would be right up his alley. Introduction The premise of this game is like any other matching game. Lay all cards (or choose a smaller amount if your child isn't quite ready for all 40) on the table, then everyone takes turns turning over pairs. Whoever achieves finding the most matching pairs wins the game. The ...
Many Sparrows by Lori Benton – a review
Many Sparrows is an Early American History novel written by Lori Benton. It takes me back to twenty years ago when, as a teen, I was fascinated with my Native American ancestry. It all began with having watched the movie The Last of the Mohicans in high school. What spawned was a deep interest in learning about the different tribes of Native Americans. I next read the novels The Last of the Mohicans and Follow the River, and my love for these stories runs deep. When I received the opportunity ...
Acing the ACT – a review
Acing the ACT--a perfect, catchy phrase for this tool book! Is the ACT approaching for someone in your family? If you're a homeschooler like I am, you're likely familiar with ACT preparation. If not, you soon may be. The ACT can seem daunting to parents and kids. Parents likely remember having taken it themselves. Some take it multiple times, while some are lucky to take it once-and-done. If you're like me, you likely have multiple ACT prep books at your disposal. The big, huge guides with ...
True To You – a Netgalley Review
True to form, Becky Wade has utterly drawn me in with another ridiculously well-written story. She amazes me. I've long been a fan of Becky Wade's writing, and in the past I've checked out her books at the library. She's an author whose books I eventually want on my bookshelves. :) Introduction First, I have to tell you that True to You is part of a series called the Bradford Sisters. Prior to this novel, there's a prequel/novella entitled Then Came You (which is CURRENTLY--as of ...
Reunited by Danger by Carol J. Post – a review
It goes without saying that I thoroughly enjoy a good mystery. When I was a kid, my mom read them like crazy and always encouraged me to try them. Nope. I was all into the Sweet Valley High craze (which, in their defense, had SOME mystery from time to time), Beverly Lewis' Amish fiction, and Robin Jones Gunn's (and a smattering of other authors!) books. All of those were loaned to me by my grandmother (who was, to my joy, a hoarder of multiple genres of delightfully good books!). It wasn't until ...
The Writing Desk – a Rachel Hauck Team Review
This summer has been insane. This review is coming late, late, late, late. I had everything in the world happen at the time I was supposed to review The Writing Desk. Car accident happened. Then Ocular rosacea--corneal inflammation, affected vision--couldn't read without getting a migraine. Both vehicles needed repairs (not at once, though!) and went to the shop. Braces for one child. Four wisdom teeth surgically removed for another child. In five weeks. The last two weeks, I've been working on ...