Ever have one of those weeks where you feel like your life is going to fall apart? This is mine. We've been anticipating frustrating news for a while, and this is the week that it came. Our world, even though we were sort of expecting it, has gone topsy-turvy. Then I sat down to begin this post only to find that my mouse has decided to give up the ghost. Vamoose. Dead. Gone to the Happy Mouse House in the Sky. And the other mouse for the OTHER laptop in the house? The USB connector is missing. ...
Favorite FREE Homeschool Website Resources / Tip Tuesday
If you're a homeschooler, no doubt you're always looking for FREE and affordable resources for your homeschool. I've taken the opportunity to go through my Bookmarks and have compiled a list of 70+ websites that include some of my favorite resources. Notebooking Notebooking is a popular way of learning, and this website will give you several good options for incorporating this strategy into your homeschool. Notebooking Nook Video Lessons Quarto Classroom - free video lessons on various ...
Monthly Wrap-Up / January 2018
Monthly Wrap-Up / January 2018 I've been wanting to do a monthly wrap-up for a long time now, and I've finally decided to incorporate that into my blog posts! Please pardon my tardiness on posting my January 2018 wrap-up. In my monthly wrap-ups, you may find reflections on my favorite books, fun posts and reviews, and TV shows and movies. Please share with me your favorite book and TV finds from January! Book Posts Favorite Book of January My favorite book from the month of January was ...
Free Book Friday – Feb. 9
BEFORE YOU BUY, please check the price on these books in case you read this post after the discount has ended. Deep Discounts – limited time Claiming Mariah by Pam Hillman // $3.99 $0.99 After her father’s death, Mariah Malone sends a letter that will forever alter the lives of her family. When Slade Donovan, strong willed and eager for vengeance, shows up on her front porch, Mariah is not ready to hear his truths: her father’s farm, the only home she’s ever known, was bought with stolen ...
Playing with Fire, Book 3 / Sweet Valley High review
Jessica Wakefield has gotten a taste of her own medicine. That was what went through my head as I read Playing with Fire, SVH Book 3. If you've been reading my reviews of the Sweet Valley High series originally written by Francine Pascal, you'll know that I've not been thrilled with Jessica. Initial Thoughts Playing With Fire began with action right away. The girls prepared for another dance. Jessica still had her eyes set on Bruce Patman. Her crowning of Homecoming Queen with geek Winston ...
Free Book Friday – Feb. 2
Free Book Friday is a new theme I’m going to try. I will post free and deeply discounted nonfiction books and Christian fiction for Kindle. Click the image to go to Amazon. BEFORE YOU BUY, please check the price on these books in case you read this post after the discount has ended. Deep Discounts – limited time (Updated 2/3) The Writing Desk by Rachel Hauck // $8.99 $1.99 Tenley Roth’s first book was a runaway bestseller. Now that her second book is due, she’s locked in fear. Can she ...