Set Free to
Choose Right
Let’s face it. It’s hard making the right choices as adults, and in this age where social media is in your face with the good, the bad, and the ugly right there, teens have to make choices that they might find difficult. Set Free to Choose Right, written by Josh McDowell, helps Christian parents help their kids make right choices based on God’s standards.
- Paperback: 224 pages
- Publisher: Shiloh Run Press; Gld edition (February 1, 2018)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1634099745
- ISBN-13: 978-1634099745
Directed to parents and gatekeepers of today’s youth, renowned speaker and author Josh McDowell focuses on the how-to’s of teaching teens and pre-teens to make right moral choices. Set Free to Choose Right will help you come to understand:
- why today’s kids feel they have the right to determine what is “right” or “wrong” for themselves
- how culture reinforces that there are no universal truths and. . .
- where this misconception historically originated
- how to motivate kids to make good choices
- it is God’s character and nature that makes right, right and wrong, wrong
Engaging stories and helpful illustration are provided to model how a person (of any age) can distinguish between right and wrong and make the right choice—every time!
Set Free
I like that portion in the book title–Set free. Pardon me for sounding Christian cliche, but sin really is enslavement. The Apostle Paul said in Romans 7:15, “For that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I.” How true is that? How many times do we tell ourselves that we’re not going to be negative or we’re not going to lose our tempers, etc.? The very things that we WISH to not do we end up doing. It’s part of being a human, unfortunately. It’s not pleasant to fly off the seats of our pants, but we just end up doing that at times.
In Set Free to Choose Right, Josh includes several big problems that Christian parents may face with their children and how to address them. Also included in the book are eye-opening statistics about various moral choices and whether people find them morally wrong. In this book, it is discovered that more and more choices which used to be considered wrong are now considered ok. Josh addresses how these choices are affecting people’s relationships and that moral subjectivity is harming the Christian home and that families can be set free from the bondage of these issues.
Set Free to Choose
Josh McDowell provides a look into the Bible and gives the reader a glimpse of God’s desires for His creation. Though God is right, pure, holy, and just, men and women are free to choose their paths in life. He wants us to make His standards our standards, and He desires a kinship—a relationship—with us. John 7:37
Also addressed is the fact that our decisions in life, though they may seem to harm anyone, can have great impact on others. Adultery breaks hearts. Lying destroys trust. Envy divides individuals. So while we are free to choose, there are consequences for the decisions that we make. Josh helps parents guide parents into reaching their children who may not understand that.
I highly recommend this book to parents or guardians of adolescents and teens. Josh McDowell has provided the tools to help the Christian address the issues that children are facing today.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing and was under no obligation to post a review.