Spring For Susannah, written by Catherine Richmond, was a precious story. Susannah Underhill, the heroine in the story, finds herself alone after the death of her parents. Susannah had always felt like she wasn’t good enough, felt she was plain-looking and undesirable, and she was shy. She finally decides that the only option for her is to become a mail-order bride. So she agrees to marry her pastor’s brother Jesse Mason, who happens to live in the Dakota Territory. She boards a train and when she arrives at her destination, she finds that there is nothing there but a train platform. She believes she’s there alone, only to find out Jesse has arrived to take her “home”.
Throughout Jesse’s and Susannah’s journey, there’s heartbreak and insecurity on Susannah’s part, but through it all, she discovers that Jesse is her rock.
This story was so sweet. This is a really great novel, and it happens to be the author’s first novel published! What a great first novel. π
Catherine Richmond was focused on her career as an occupational therapist till a special song planted a story idea in her mind. That idea would ultimately become Spring for Susannah, her first novel. She is also a founder and moderator of Nebraska Novelist critique group and lives in Nebraska with her husband.
To celebrate her debut novel, Catherine and her publisher, Thomas Nelson, have teamed up to give away a Spring For Susannah Prize Package worth over $150!
One grand prize winner will receive:
* A brand new Latest Generation KINDLE with Wi-Fi and Pearl Screen
* Spring for Susannah by Catherine Richmond (for KINDLE)
To enter just click one of the icons below and then tell your friends! But hurry, giveaway ends on June 27th. Winner will be announced on Tuesday, June 28th at 5 PM (6PM MST, 7PM CST, & 8PM EST) during Catherine’s Spring for Susannah Book Club Party on Facebook! Catherine is rustling up some fun for the party – she’ll be chatting about the story behind her novel, hosting a book club chat, testing your mail-order bride trivia skills, and giving away some GREAT prizes! Don’t miss the fun and tell your friends!
If you’d like to read more reviews like mine, you can find the blog tour {here}!
I received Spring for Susannah as a complimentary gift in exchange for review from Litfuse Publicity Group.
Jami, Thanks for your kind words about Spring for Susannah!